Founded in the year 1987 by Dr. Shrikrishna G Nadgouda, who was inspired by his father in law Late Dr. Anant Huilgol, an eminent eye surgeon and a social worker in Karnataka, working along with Jayapriya Medical Foundation (A non-profit organization) to address the eye care needs of the rural and urban communities of backward districts in Northern Karnataka.
An women empowerment initiative “DIPLOMA in Ophthalmic Assistant” from Jayapriya Medical Foundation in association with Combat Blindness International, Madison, USA.
Girls of families from poor economic background will benefit from this program. "The 'Diploma in Ophthalmic Assistant' program from Jayapriya Medical Foundation is a transformative women empowerment initiative designed to uplift and empower girls from economically disadvantaged backgrounds, providing them with the skills and opportunities to achieve self-sufficiency and financial independence, and helping them break the cycle of financial constraints through education and professional growth."
We started with Training a batch of 15 students and it is going exceptionally well. These are the girls who have not had an opportunity for further education due to financial constraints. By the end of the training period, they are going to be self sufficient and financially independent.