Founded in the year 1987 by Dr. Shrikrishna G Nadgouda, who was inspired by his father in law Late Dr. Anant Huilgol, an eminent eye surgeon and a social worker in Karnataka, working along with Jayapriya Medical Foundation (A non-profit organization) to address the eye care needs of the rural and urban communities of backward districts in Northern Karnataka.
Our hospital has been recognized as base hospital for National programme for Control
of blindness (NPCB) by District Blindness Control Society (DBCS) since 25 years for
Dharwad, Gadag and Haveri districts.
12A, 80G & FCRA Registration
JMF is recognized under sections 12A and 80G and also under FCRA registration to accept local as well as foreign donations.
Karnataka Societies Registrar
JMF has been registered by the Karnataka Societies Registrar – <br>Registration number 320/2001-2
Member - Vision 2020
JMF is a member of Vision 2020 – The Right to Sight-India
Cornea Transplantation Centre
JMF is a Registered Cornea Transplantation Centre
NPCB Grants
JMF has been accorded grants from NPCB for doing excellent charitable work in 2005 and 2013 for overall development of hospital
Foundations Association
JMF continues to have a strong association with Rotary Club of Hubli, & with Giants Welfare Foundation.